01Getting started
This is the Radiate Pro theme instruction page. We have tried our best to keep it as simple as possible. If you think it can be made even simpler let us know we will be glad to change it. Let’s start! On the right side you can see the table of contents of this documentation.
Jump to the section you want, or read it all through – your choice.
Let’s move on!
Installing your theme is pretty easy! After purchasing theme go to http://themegrill.com/my-account page and download the theme. After doownloading you should have a radiate-pro.zip file. This is a compressed file containing all of the required templates and images required for the theme to function properly.
Upload the theme
- Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
- Click on the Add New button
- Click on the Upload link
- Select the
file - Click Install Now
Activate the theme
- Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress menu
- Hover over the theme thumbnail and press the Activate button
04Add Readmore to your post
If you only want to show some text and image instead of the full post in your blog, then you can use the more tag.
- First go to post in your Dashboard
- Click on any place on the post editor where you want to insert the more tag.
- Then click on the Insert More tag button situated on the top of post editor or use the shortcut ALT+SHIFT+T
- You can write some text then insert an image and then use the readmore tag or however you like
- This will create a more tag line
- Click Update
05How to add three featured box in home page?
- First create three pages with title, content and featured image for each.
- Now go to Appearance->Customize->Front Page Featured section
- Now select the three pages in the three dropdown respectively
- Click Save Publish
How to limit text on featured box?
- First Go to the featured box page in your dashboard.
- Just below the page editor you will see the excerpt box
- If you don’t see the excerpt box. Scroll to the top and you will see the screen optionson the right hand side corner.
- Click it and check the Excerpt box. Now you should see the excerpt box below the editor
- Fill the excerpt box with the desired amount of text that you want to show.
06How to change site Layout?
You can change the layout of your site to right sidebar, left sidebar, No sidebar full width and No sidebar content center.
If you want to change the layout of whole site i.e all pages, posts then follow following steps:
- Go to Appearance->Customize->Layout Settings Section
- And choose the layout settings from the dropdown
- Click Save Publish
If you want to change the layout of specific post or page then follow following steps:
- Go to specific page/post from your dashboard
- On the right side of your post/page editor you will see Select Layout
- Select layout of your choice
- Click update
07Setup Header
Radiate Pro comes up with two header option.
- Header Display Type 1/ Default
- Header Display Type 2 – Supports header logo image plus tagline
By default the header type 1 is selected which only supports site title. Now if you wish to integrate logo and site title in your header then you have to switch to Header type 2.
- Go to Appearance->Customize->Header Options
- And choose Header Display type 2
- Now under Header Logo Image Upload upload your logo. The recommended height for the logo is 68px
- Click Save & Publish
08How to setup slider?
Note: When you activate slider, header image will be replaced by slider.
- Go to Appearance->Customize->Slider Options
- Check Enable the Slider Option. Now this will activate the slider in your home page only
- Now if you wish to activate the slider in all pages then check Show slider on all pages
- On the Number of Slides field enter the number of slides you want to rotate. By default it is set to 2.
- Click Save & Publish and refresh your browser
- Now again go to Appearance->Customize->Slider Options and you will see the same number of slider meta fields created that you have entered in Number of slides
- Now fill the detail for each slides one by one.
- First Upload the image for slider, then fill Slide title, slide text, Button text and Redirect link. Note: The recommended size for the slider is 1500px width and 500px height
- Check Open this slide link in new tab if you want to open your slider in new tab when clicked
- Click Save & Publish